
IT Strategy Consulting
IT Application Solutions
IT Infrastructure Management
IT Enablement and Adoption

IT Strategy Consulting

Our IT consultants do not have a one-size-fits-all approach. We work with organizations to improve processes in a way that works for your team, budget, and future scalability.  Afemtech consultants are genuine partners in your future. With industry-relevant experience, we collaborate with you at every step of the way. We’ll partner to craft the plan that works for internal culture and the communities you serve.

Capabilities Include:

  • IT Strategic Planning
  • Cloud Services
  • Virtual CIO Service
  • IT and Project Assessments
  • IT Governance
  • IT Portfolio/Project Management Office
  • Organizational Change Management
  • Digital Transformation Services
  • Analytics/Business Intelligence

IT Application Solutions

In an increasingly digital landscape, having applications that consistently perform and remain available is more than a mere convenience – it’s a business necessity. Afemtech delivers application support services designed to assist your organization in optimizing its application support resources. We aim to improve application availability and performance, ensuring your business applications always deliver their best. 

Capabilities Include:

  • Requirements Assessments
  • Selection and Procurement
  • Business Process Reengineering
  • QA/Testing
  • Project Management
  • Implementation and Integration

IT Infrastructure Management

Advanced IT infrastructure provides a strategic advantage to business operations. With the value proposition of digital cloud services overlapping with the reality of existing legacy infrastructure investments, how to cost-effectively design and execute a low-risk transition to next-generation IT infrastructure can be a challenge. Afemtech IT professionals have an in-depth understanding of infrastructure and bring a comprehensive perspective of the latest industry trends.

Capabilities Include:

  • Cloud Services
  • Network Engineering
  • Data Center
  • Hybrid Cloud Services
  • Automation

IT Enablement and Adoption

Afemtech recognizes that the heart of technology transformation is its users. Organizations often prioritize upgrading their innovation tech while overlooking the people and processes critical to its success. Whether you’re integrating a new system or enhancing an existing one, our enablement and training services are designed to optimize your technological investments.

Capabilities Include:

  • Technology Adoption
  • Practice/Process Management
  • Digital Transformation
  • Workflow Optimization
  • Application Health Check